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Four Action Plans To Stop Snoring


Submitted by: Joe T Smith

Four ways to stop the snoring

There are ways to have your snoring eliminated or reduced. A good way to start is to develop an action plan. A logical first step is to identify the places were snoring comes from. Much snoring comes from vibrations of parts of the mouth cavity, the problems areas are the uvula (the flap of skin in the center of the throat), having a large soft palate (on the top of the mouth), or the tongue if either large or swollen. Obstructions in the air flow that comes through the mouth and throat cavity can cause these parts inside your mouth vibrate, this vibration can cause snoring. By improving the air flow much of the vibrations can be avoided reducing or eliminating snoring. Another condition that can be a factor is nasal congestion, which can cause a person to breathe though their mouth. Your position when resting can also be a factor, resting on your back can cause the tongue to fallback creating an obstruction by resting on your side the tongue will fall to the side of the mouth opening the airway.

Four Plans for action

A plan for action in reducing your snoring is to look at possible cures, pick the most logical and try to see if it works. This list while not exhaustive covers most of the causes that you can try for yourselves mostly without needing medical supervision.


1. Sleep position; sleep on the side rather than on your back. Use pillows to lift your head or neck in a more advantageous position for clearer less obstructed breathing.

2. Nasal congestion the following (not exhaustive list) options are: OTC nasal spray, antihistamines (for allergy related congestion) decongestants and nasal strips.

3. Mouth cavity for airflow obstruction: chin strap (helps keep mouth closed to breathe though the nose); OTC oral devices to align jaw/mouth/tongue, OTC throat spray.

4. Localized exercise for the mouth: tongue stretching (have tongue stretch to nose and hold then to chin hold for five secs, Jaw alignment (push jaw out hold for five secs and repeat)

Hopefully one or more of these solutions will give you results.

It is worth it

To eliminate or reduce snoring in your life is worth it. You will rest easier also your spouse and family will rest better not hearing the snoring sound. You most likely be more alert at work. By eliminating snoring, you can avoid more serious health issues; have more rest at night, less stress on the heart and other organs.

Aids for the spouse of a snore

Until you find a suitable solution to your snoring, the following lists are aids that can help the snorer s spouse. The loud snoring noise is the main challenge to endure with it. These aids can help you to deal with the noise and get some sleep.

White noise machine -helps to cancel out noise.

Ear plugs- allow you to hear, reduces the loud snoring sounds to a lower volume.

About the Author: Joe T Smith enjoys helping others find knowledge and solutions to improve their lives, For more great informationvisit my website at




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